Learn More About Our Online Associates Degrees, Courses & Programs
An associate degree is typically a degree that a student gets after two years in a specific degree program, or as part of the first half of a four year degree program. It's the lowest degree on the hierarchy of secondary degrees, followed by the bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees. These types of degrees are more typically given by community colleges and technical schools, but are also part of many degree programs at larger colleges and universities. There are many different types of associate degrees, such as Associate of Arts (AA), Associates of Science (AS), Associate of Technology (AT), and so on.
Here at Earn a College Degree, our schools offer a wide variety of online associate degrees for you to choose from. Our programs cover such topics as business, technology, health care, and much more.
For AIU Online, we offer online associate degree programs in fields such as human resources, business administration, visual communication and health care administration, just to name a few. For Kaplan University Online, we offer online associate degrees in accounting, corrections, law enforcement, network administration, programming, and more. Capella University doesn't offer associate degrees of any kind.
The schools listed here at Earn a College Degree allow you to take your courses online, so that you have the time and flexibility to take courses at your own pace and around your schedule. So whether you want an online associate's degree by itself, or as part of a bigger degree path, we are sure that you will find the program for you here.